In the following sections we give some slightly more complex examples of list processing functions.

3.3.1. sort

Program 3.1 is a variant of the well-known quicksort algorithm. sort(X) returns a sorted list of the elements of the list X.


sort([]) -> [];
sort([Pivot|Rest]) ->
    {Smaller, Bigger} = split(Pivot, Rest),
    lists:append(sort(Smaller), [Pivot|sort(Bigger)]).

split(Pivot, L) ->
    split(Pivot, L, [], []).

split(Pivot, [], Smaller, Bigger) ->
split(Pivot, [H|T], Smaller, Bigger) when H < Pivot ->
    split(Pivot, T, [H|Smaller], Bigger);
split(Pivot, [H|T], Smaller, Bigger) when H >= Pivot ->
    split(Pivot, T, Smaller, [H|Bigger]).

The first element of the list to be sorted is used as a pivot. The original list is partitioned into two lists Smaller and Bigger: all the elements in Smaller are less than Pivot and all the elements in Bigger are greater than or equal to Pivot. The lists Smaller and Bigger are then sorted and the results combined.

The function split(Pivot, L) returns the tuple {Smaller,Bigger}, where all the elements in Bigger are greater than or equal to Pivot and all the elements in Smaller are less than Pivot. split(Pivot, L) works by calling the auxiliary function split(Pivot, L, Smaller, Bigger). Two accumulators, Smaller and Bigger, are used to store the elements in L which are smaller than and greater than or equal to Pivot, respectively. The code in split/4 is very similar to that in reverse/2 except that two accumulators are used instead of one. For example:

> lists:split(7,[2,1,4,23,6,8,43,9,3]).

If we call sort([7,2,1,4,23,6,8,43,9,3]), the first thing which happens is that split/2 is called with pivot 7. This results in two lists: [3,6,4,1,2] whose elements are less than the pivot, 7, and [9,43,8,23] whose elements are greater than or equal to the pivot.

Assuming that sort works then sort([3,6,4,1,2]) ⇒ [1,2,3,4,6] and sort([9,43,8,23]) ⇒ [8,9,23,43]. Finally, the sorted lists are appended with the call:

> append([1,2,3,4,6], [7 | [8,9,23,43]]).

With a little ingenuity the call to append can be removed, as in the following:

qsort(X) ->
        qsort(X, []).

%% qsort(A,B)
%%   Inputs:
%%      A = unsorted List
%%      B = sorted list where all elements in B
%%          are greater than any element in A
%%   Returns
%%      sort(A) appended to B

qsort([Pivot|Rest], Tail) ->
    {Smaller,Bigger} = split(Pivot, Rest),
    qsort(Smaller, [Pivot|qsort(Bigger,Tail)]);
qsort([], Tail) ->

We can compare the performance of this with the first version of sort by using the BIF statistics/1 (see appendix, which provides information about the performance of the system). If we compile and run the code fragment:

{_, Reductions1} = statistics(reductions),
{_, Reductions2} = statistics(reductions),

We can find out how many reductions (function calls) it took to evaluate the call the sort and qsort functions. In our example sort took 93 reductions and qsort took 74, a 20 percent improvement.

3.3.2. Sets

Program 3.2 is a simple collection of set manipulation functions. The obvious way to represent sets in Erlang is as an unordered list of elements without duplication.

The set manipulation functions are as follows:

Returns an empty set.
add_element(X, S)
Adds an element X to the set S and returns a new set.
del_element(X, S)
Deletes the element X from the set S and returns a new set.
is_element(X, S)
Returns true if the element X is contained in the set S, otherwise false.
Returns true if the set S is empty otherwise false.
union(S1, S2)
Returns the union of the sets S1 and S2, i.e. the set of all elements which are contained in either S1 or S2.
intersection(S1, S2)
Returns the intersection of the sets S1 and S2, i.e. the set of all elements which are contained in both S1 and S2.

Strictly speaking, we should not say new returns an empty set but rather new returns a representation of an empty set. If we represent the sets as lists, then the set operations can be written as follows:

-export([new/0, add_element/2, del_element/2,
         is_element/2, is_empty/1, union/2, intersection/2]).

new() -> [].

add_element(X, Set) ->
    case is_element(X, Set) of
        true -> Set;
        false -> [X|Set]

del_element(X, [X|T]) -> T;
del_element(X, [Y|T]) -> [Y|del_element(X,T)];
del_element(_, [])    -> [].

is_element(H, [H|_])   -> true;
is_element(H, [_|Set]) -> is_element(H, Set);
is_element(_, [])      -> false.

is_empty([]) -> true;
is_empty(_) -> false.

union([H|T], Set) -> union(T, add_element(H, Set));
union([], Set)    -> Set.

intersection(S1, S2) -> intersection(S1, S2, []).

intersection([], _, S) -> S;
intersection([H|T], S1, S) ->
    case is_element(H,S1) of
        true  -> intersection(T, S1, [H|S]);
        false -> intersection(T, S1, S)

Running the code in Program 3.2:

> S1 = sets:new().

> S2 = sets:add_element(a, S1).

> S3 = sets:add_element(b, S2).

> sets:is_element(a, S3).

> sets:is_element(1, S2).

> T1 = sets:new().

> T2 = sets:add_element(a, T1).
> T3 = sets:add_element(x, T2).

> sets:intersection(S3, T3).

> sets:union(S3,T3).

This implementation is not particularly efficient, but it is sufficiently simple to be (hopefully) correct. At a later stage it could be replaced by a more efficient version.

3.3.3. Prime numbers

In our final example (Program 3.3) we see how a list of prime numbers can be generated using the sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm.


range(N, N) ->
range(Min, Max) ->
    [Min | range(Min+1, Max)].

remove_multiples(N, [H|T]) when H rem N == 0 ->
    remove_multiples(N, T);
remove_multiples(N, [H|T]) ->
    [H | remove_multiples(N, T)];
remove_multiples(_, []) ->

sieve([H|T]) ->
    [H | sieve(remove_multiples(H, T))];
sieve([]) ->

primes(Max) ->
    sieve(range(2, Max)).

Note that in Program 3.3 we use the compiler annotation -compile(export_all) – this implicitly exports all functions in the module so they can be called without giving explicit export declarations.

range(Min, Max) returns a list of the integers between Min and Max. remove_multiples(N, L) removes all multiples of N from the list L:

> siv:range(1,15).

> siv:remove_multiples(3,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).

sieve(L) retains the head of the list L and recursively removes all multiples of the head of the list from the sieved tail of the list:

> siv:primes(25).