A factory is the definition of a class for a certain task. Symfony relies on factories for its core features such as the controller and session capabilities. For instance, when the framework needs to create a new request object, it searches in the factory definition for the name of the class to use for that purpose. The default factory definition for requests is sfWebRequest
, so symfony creates an object of this class in order to deal with requests. The great advantage of using a factory definition is that it is very easy to alter the core features of the framework: Just change the factory definition, and symfony will use your custom request class instead of its own.
The factory definitions are stored in the factories.yml
configuration file. Listing 17-7 shows the default factory definition file. Each definition is made of the name of an autoloaded class and (optionally) a set of parameters. For instance, the session storage factory (set under the storage:
key) uses a session_name
parameter to name the cookie created on the client computer to allow persistent sessions.
Listing 17-7 - Default Factories File, in frontend/config/factories.yml
class: sfNoLogger
level: err
loggers: ~
class: sfConsoleController
class: sfConsoleRequest
class: sfConsoleResponse
class: sfSessionTestStorage
session_path: %SF_TEST_CACHE_DIR%/sessions
class: sfWebResponse
send_http_headers: false
class: sfPatternRouting
generate_shortest_url: true
extra_parameters_as_query_string: true
# controller:
# class: sfFrontWebController
# request:
# class: sfWebRequest
# param:
# path_info_array: SERVER
# path_info_key: PATH_INFO
# relative_url_root: ~
# formats:
# txt: text/plain
# js: [application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/javascript]
# css: text/css
# json: [application/json, application/x-json]
# xml: [text/xml, application/xml, application/x-xml]
# rdf: application/rdf+xml
# atom: application/atom+xml
# response:
# class: sfWebResponse
# param:
# charset: %SF_CHARSET%
# send_http_headers: true
# user:
# class: myUser
# param:
# timeout: 1800
# use_flash: true
# default_culture: %SF_DEFAULT_CULTURE%
# storage:
# class: sfSessionStorage
# param:
# session_name: symfony
# view_cache:
# class: sfFileCache
# param:
# automatic_cleaning_factor: 0
# cache_dir: %SF_TEMPLATE_CACHE_DIR%
# lifetime: 86400
# prefix: %SF_APP_DIR%/template
# i18n:
# class: sfI18N
# param:
# source: XLIFF
# debug: off
# untranslated_prefix: "[T]"
# untranslated_suffix: "[/T]"
# cache:
# class: sfFileCache
# param:
# automatic_cleaning_factor: 0
# cache_dir: %SF_I18N_CACHE_DIR%
# lifetime: 31556926
# prefix: %SF_APP_DIR%/i18n
# routing:
# class: sfPatternRouting
# param:
# load_configuration: true
# suffix: ''
# default_module: default
# default_action: index
# debug: %SF_DEBUG%
# generate_shortest_url: false
# extra_parameters_as_query_string: false
# cache:
# class: sfFileCache
# param:
# automatic_cleaning_factor: 0
# cache_dir: %SF_CONFIG_CACHE_DIR%/routing
# lifetime: 31556926
# prefix: %SF_APP_DIR%/routing
# logger:
# class: sfAggregateLogger
# param:
# level: debug
# loggers:
# sf_web_debug:
# class: sfWebDebugLogger
# param:
# level: debug
# condition: %SF_WEB_DEBUG%
# xdebug_logging: true
# web_debug_class: sfWebDebug
# sf_file_debug:
# class: sfFileLogger
# param:
# level: debug
The best way to change a factory is to create a new class inheriting from the default factory and to add new methods to it. For instance, the user session factory is set to the myUser
class (located in frontend/lib/
) and inherits from sfUser
. Use the same mechanism to take advantage of the existing factories. Listing 17-8 shows an example of a new factory for the request object.
Listing 17-8 - Overriding Factories
// Create a myRequest.class.php in an autoloaded directory,
// For instance in frontend/lib/
class myRequest extends sfRequest
// Your code here
// Declare this class as the request factory in factories.yml
class: myRequest