When you insert dynamic data in a template, you must be sure about the data integrity. For instance, if data comes from forms filled in by anonymous users, there is a risk that it may include malicious scripts intended to launch cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. You must be able to escape the output data, so that any HTML tag it contains becomes harmless.

As an example, suppose that a user fills an input field with the following value:


If you echo this value without caution, the JavaScript will execute on every browser and allow for much more dangerous attacks than just displaying an alert. This is why you must escape the value before displaying it, so that it becomes something like this:


You could escape your output manually by enclosing every unsure value in a call to htmlentities(), but that approach would be very repetitive and error-prone. Instead, symfony provides a special system, called output escaping, which automatically escapes every variable output in a template. It is activated by a simple parameter in the application settings.yml.

7.5.1. Activating Output Escaping

Output escaping is configured globally for an application in the settings.yml file. Two parameters control the way that output escaping works: the strategy determines how the variables are made available to the view, and the method is the default escaping function applied to the data.

The next sections describe these settings in detail but, basically, all you need to do to activate output escaping is to set the escaping_strategy parameter to both instead of its default value bc, as shown in Listing 7-44.

Listing 7-44 - Activating Output Escaping, in myapp/config/settings.yml

    escaping_strategy: both
    escaping_method:   ESC_ENTITIES

This will add htmlentities() to all variable output by default. For instance, suppose that you define a test variable in an action as follows:

$this->test = '<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>';

With output escaping turned on, echoing this variable in the template will output the escaped data:

echo $test;
 => &gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(document.cookie)&lt;/script&gt;

Activating output escaping also gives access to an $sf_data variable in every template. It is a container object referencing all the escaped variables. So you can also output the test variable with the following:

echo $sf_data->get('test');
=> &gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(document.cookie)&lt;/script&gt;

Tip The $sf_data object implements the Array interface, so instead of using the $sf_data->get('myvariable'), you can retrieve escaped values by calling $sf_data['myvariable']. But it is not a real array, so functions like print_r() will not work as expected.

This object also gives you access to the unescaped, or raw, data. This is useful when a variable stores HTML code meant to be interpreted by the browser, provided that you trust this variable. Call the getRaw() method when you need to output the raw data.

echo $sf_data->getRaw('test');
 => <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>

You will have to access raw data each time you need variables containing HTML to be really interpreted as HTML. You can now understand why the default layout uses $sf_data->getRaw('sf_content') to include the template, rather than a simpler $sf_content, which breaks when output escaping is activated.

7.5.2. Escaping Strategy

The escaping_strategy setting determines the way variables are output by default. The following are the possible values:

  • bc (backward compatible mode): Variables are not escaped, but an escaped version of each variable is available through the $sf_data container. So the data is raw by default, unless you choose to use the escaped value via the $sf_data object. This is the default value, and you should be aware that with this strategy, your application is subject to XSS attack risks.
  • both: All variables are escaped by default. Values are also made available in the $sf_data container. This is the recommended strategy, since you will be at risk only if you voluntarily output raw data. In some cases, you will have to use unescaped data--for instance, if you output a variable that contains HTML with the intention that this HTML be rendered as such in the browser. So be aware that if you switch to this strategy with a partially developed application, some features may break. The best choice is to use this setting right from the beginning.
  • on: Values are available only in the $sf_data container. This is the most secure and fastest way to deal with escaping, because each time you output a variable, you must choose if you want to use the escaped version with get() or the raw version with getRaw(). So you are always aware of the possibility that data may be corrupted.
  • off: Turns off output escaping. The $sf_data container is not available in templates. You can choose to use this strategy rather than bc to speed up your application if you are sure that you will never need to access escaped data.

7.5.3. Escaping Helpers

Escaping helpers are functions returning an escaped version of their input. They can be provided as a default escaping_method in the settings.yml file or to specify an escaping method for a specific value in the view. The following escaping helpers are available:

  • ESC_RAW: Doesn't escape the value.
  • ESC_ENTITIES: Applies the PHP function htmlentities() to the input with ENT_QUOTES as the quote style.
  • ESC_JS: Escapes a value to be put into a JavaScript string that is going to be used as HTML. This is useful for escaping things where HTML is going to be dynamically changed using JavaScript.
  • ESC_JS_NO_ENTITIES: Escapes a value to be put into a JavaScript string but does not add entities. This is useful if the value is going to be displayed using a dialog box (for example, for a myString variable used in javascript:alert(myString);).

7.5.4. Escaping Arrays and Objects

Output escaping not only works for strings, but also for arrays and objects. Any values that are objects or arrays will pass on their escaped state to their children. Assuming your strategy is set to both, Listing 7-45 demonstrates the escaping cascade.

Listing 7-45 - Escaping Also Works for Arrays and Objects

// Class definition
class myClass
  public function testSpecialChars($value = '')
    return '<'.$value.'>';

// In the action
$this->test_array = array('&', '<', '>');
$this->test_array_of_arrays = array(array('&'));
$this->test_object = new myClass();

// In the template
<?php foreach($test_array as $value): ?>
  <?php echo $value ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
 => &amp; &lt; &gt;
<?php echo $test_array_of_arrays[0][0] ?>
 => &amp;
<?php echo $test_object->testSpecialChars('&') ?>
 => &lt;&amp;&gt;

As a matter of fact, the variables in the template are not of the type you might expect. The output escaping system "decorates" them and transforms them into special objects:

<?php echo get_class($test_array) ?>
 => sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator
<?php echo get_class($test_object) ?>
 => sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator

This explains why some usual PHP functions (like array_shift(), print_r(), and so on) don't work on escaped arrays anymore. But they can be still be accessed using [], be traversed using foreach, and they give back the right result with count() (count() works only with PHP 5.2 or later). And in templates, the data should be read-only anyway, so most access will be through the methods that do work.

You still have a way to retrieve the raw data through the $sf_data object. In addition, methods of escaped objects are altered to accept an additional parameter: an escaping method. So you can choose an alternative escaping method each time you display a variable in a template, or opt for the ESC_RAW helper to deactivate escaping. See Listing 7-46 for an example.

Listing 7-46 - Methods of Escaped Objects Accept an Additional Parameter

<?php echo $test_object->testSpecialChars('&') ?>
=> &lt;&amp;&gt;
// The three following lines return the same value
<?php echo $test_object->testSpecialChars('&', ESC_RAW) ?>
<?php echo $sf_data->getRaw('test_object')->testSpecialChars('&') ?>
<?php echo $sf_data->get('test_object', ESC_RAW)->testSpecialChars('&') ?>
 => <&>

If you deal with objects in your templates, you will use the additional parameter trick a lot, since it is the fastest way to get raw data on a method call.

Caution The usual symfony variables are also escaped when you turn on output escaping. So be aware that $sf_user, $sf_request, $sf_param, and $sf_context still work, but their methods return escaped data, unless you add ESC_RAW as a final argument to their method calls.