RedDot Ruby Conf 2014

Lecciones aprendidas del fracaso de desarrollar una SPA (Single Page Application) con Ruby

Nicholas Simmons  · 




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all right now that I've suffered to that so hi everyone my name is Nick Symmonds I'm here I'm today I'm going to talk to you about how chop 5 we built a single page web app and why in the end we decided to go back to a non single page format

so forest arts like to say this is actually my first time speaking at a conference so it's very exciting for me so it's very exciting and also very terrifying so if I make any mistakes please bear with me so let's get started tell you a little

bit more about myself so first of all I'm Canadian there's some very stereotypical Canadian things you might have heard of and I would say that I'm very severe chip through a very serious typical Canadian so first of all my favorite sport is hockey

how many how many people here are hockey fans it's hand Wow five more people than I expected that's amazing second of all Canada's not really that well known for food but maple syrup my absolutely favorite thing to eat whenever I have pancakes

or waffles if I don't have maple syrup I'm extremely disappointed and last of all in Canada we unfortunately have to do it winter so this is a picture of the city where I live and you see those things there on the right those are actually cars so a

very important thing when you live in Canada is to get underground parking cannot tell you how important that is so other than just fact about me is that I actually used to live in singapore so I was here for about a year and a half and I was working for lucasarts

so it's super cool getting to work on Star Wars stuff living the other side of the planet getting to travel a lot it was great I was actually back in developer for some online games that we were working on unfortunately none of them shipped and there's

a good reason for that about six months after i had started at lucasarts we were acquired by disney so you know Disney Disney seems like a really nice you know family oriented company and they are but a little bit ruthless when it comes to business so when

they bought lucasarts or Lucas so much should say they decided that they were really into the movie idea but not so much into making games so in the end well that was the end of that but it's not all bad news in the end I ended up moving back to Canada

and got this awesome gig at chopped fine so this is basically I'm doing now I'm going to chop five for a little over a year and this is actually the first time i started working with ruby and rails so i'm still relatively new to it actually another

interesting fact is that it was also the first time i never use the mac not programming mac i mean literally using a mac i had no idea how to even install an application but it's been a wild ride and really loved it so specifically at Shopify I'm working

on the admin interface so this gives you an idea what it looks like basically it's a pretty large web app there's lots of different sections lots of different configurations that our shop owners can do so it has said lots of pages basically all form

submissions and lots and lots of data going on so I'd like to talk a little bit about the evolution of the Shopify admin so in the early days the classic version of admin was rails app using some templating with a RB and some jQuery sprinkled around to

do any sort of cool stuff we wanted to do in the client but a couple years back decision was made that they wanted to build a single page web map now the original reasoning for that was they were thinking well hey if we could have the same application for

both mobile devices and for the web that would be great basically just abstract to extract the client away from the server and also to be able to build our JSON API which a time did not exist and just treat the client as another consumer of this API so when

they were initially evaluating the GS and we see frameworks that existed none of the solutions that were out there at the time really met the needs for the team so they decided to build their home and from this Batman jess was created so when we started building

admin to this was still before my time Batman GS was the framework that it was built on top of so we finally released admin2 in july of last year 2013 and funny enough six months after releasing Edmond to we decided that it was time to move away from this

framework so our new admin is called admin necks as getting tired of using numbers so you might be curious what happened next is about well I'll talk about that soon but when I say soon all only briefly mention it from this talk at the end to be honest

we're not completely finished what we're doing and I'd like to make sure that maybe in the future we'll give another talk will explain exactly what we've done and hopefully we'll open source it so start my story with when I began working

at Java fly so when I come in I was sort of interesting the idea of doing a Jason VC app and a single page web app notes it sounded like a really cool thing do they interested in it but I'd never actually got to work on anything like that before so when

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