RedDot Ruby Conf 2014

El lado oscuro de Ruby

Gautam Rege  · 




Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

alright good afternoon welcome to the dark side of ruby and since it's just before lunch it's my job to build up your appetite well I've flown in from India and my company's name is Joe software we've been doing this for the past seven

years and it's been fun but after seven years you realize that like in every marriage the going is good in the start kochi sons about for that but after a few years you start to understand that there is another side to your spouse so my aim here is not

to ridicule or not to you know chastise ruby but to see the cured the weirdness of ruby so that's exactly what i'm going to talk about it's nothing scary I still love Ruby I still work in Ruby every day but it's the weirdness that I want to

point out and if any one of you all get the ha moment then we are in sync now I've been seeing that not many people are asking questions after the talks so I said let's reverse the tide most of my slides are actually questions for you all so there's

no brownie points for getting the answer right or wrong but it is for you to understand so I might ask you array what do you think we don't raise your hands and try to be as interactive as you can now such a kind of talk is sometimes difficult because

we I don't no the the audience come from a broad spectrum which is either beginners or some experts but you know I realized the slides where the slide is the dark side of ruby in it lined with the dark side of the moon so I tagged my slide and I have my

transformer friends to help me bumblebee for all the sign of questions which are like a beginner level questions and Optimus Prime for all kinds of little crazy stuff so in case you need to tune out during these questions that's ok so without further ado

let Christian let's talk about the infamous infinity now everybody let's time I'm being either you can see bumblebee there it's not simple stuff first everyone knows the output of this no points for that we all know its division by zero but

what about this the hint is in the slide guys infinity alright so let's see what is infinity and infinity turns out to be alright so that's interesting so like hmm but then most of us already know that infinity is a constant defined in the flawed class

well alright so I said let's go find it I actually went and dug into the cord and found it infinity is defined like that a ruby but you know the interesting part here is defining missing not H so that's pretty cool so I had no idea infinity was actually

missing well these the kind of things are not going to keep talking about i'm going to ask a lot more questions so I'm just warming you up into the game the adrenaline rush anyone knows the output of this on what this really does it's a number

conversion to a string as an octave so far so good no problems at all what happens if i push the limit that's still a number so any one of y'all next time sees you know names like a Strix publix get a fix it could be a number well let's push it

let's push it further what happens now that's an invalid radix now that seems strange but here's the trick radix 36 actual you work because I have 26 alphabets in 10 digits so I can go up to 36 so if any one of y'all is lucky or smart enough

to get a new alphabet introduced in the English language we're going to have radix 37 well let's move on to our star of the show the splat expander we always use the star in lots of places multiplication but anyone knows the output of this sound pretty

simple it looks I have said it's a hash so it should be a hash which looks pretty straightforward but it gets a little more weird after this what about this now I got not pretty simple stuff man what do any takers for this one good thing will it be three

arrays of one two and three anyone will it be one array of 1 1 1 2 2 2 and 3 3 3 or will it be one two three yeah I see some warning heads and that's perfectly fine which see makes logical sense right what about this hmm the same array interspersed with

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