PyCon 2014

Utilizando Python para controlar la cantidad de residuos generados

Bradley Angell  · 




Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

hello everyone before we begin I'd like to make two announcements if you want anything at the yesterday's auction you could go downstairs the reception guys to pick them up the reception desks will be closing soon so i would highly suggest after the

talk that you go immediately and pick it up the next announcement is about tomorrow we'll begin the developments Prince the developments prints will be held here at the pallid congrat so if you would like to be part of it it's open to everyone and

if you have any ideas i would suggest you announce them at the reception desk so that they could be announced for tomorrow's development sprint so so our final speaker of the day I'd like to introduce Brad angel Bright Angel will be talking to us about

employing Python to report real-time resource fills in to operation managers thank you thanks everyone I didn't know if closing would be good or bad but I think it's great so let's go I want to have a word of caution is that I'm not a programmer

I'm actually trained and in law and architecture but I got kind of put into a position where we really had to employ Python to do a project we're doing at UC Santa Cruz so so if for those that don't know UC Santa Cruz is the University of California

at Santa Cruz are about an hour away from San Francisco south on the Central Coast this is a picture of one of our dumpsters that gets a monterey bay view of the ocean which is really nice there on the bottom left corner as our happy banana slug which is the

mascot at the University and then the rest of the campus is has a lot of redwoods and as you know quite beautiful our dumpsters of course get to live into the shade of these magnificent trees here can you see it that there's this is kind of a topography

graph of how topography map I'm sorry of the actual campus and I guess the topography lines are living wide it out but you can see that we're very hilly and it's a constant hillside for the entire campus we run a fleet of about ten trucks we have

but on the left is what you call a front loader in the middle is what you call a roll-off box and then on the right is a box truck we have tin truxel we have a roughly 300 dumpsters that we run on campus we're all in house we're very robust and take

care of her we self hall they said at the bottom is our own sort line we're one of the only UC schools to have one and then on the right or some of the bins we have to to maintain and to work on and there's over there's roughly 300 bins or bin

sets so to speak that we have to run run which takes a lot of labor so for those that you don't that don't know in the state of California all the disabilities and counties have to get to what they call 75% landfill diversion by 2020 that means that

only twenty-five percent of all at ways to produce waste is produced in the state can go into landfills but for the UC schools the ten of us we have to hit a work we have a goal to hit zero waste which means less than five percent ways by the year twenty twenty

in the same timeframe so those ten schools are really working hard this is a graphic of how our waste stream has worked in the past well since 2000 almost ten years and you could see at the very right hand corner the red line is refuse and then the dark yellow

line is our diversion rate right now sixty-two percent so even though we were supposed to hit 75 percent last year we are far from that in our operations and we're also very far from 2020 a six-year goal of hitting zero waste so we're having to think

bigger what we did when I started two years ago like a few weeks before I started they installed what we call the load band system which actually ways our refuse cardboard and other materials as it's being picked up this allows us to actually know which

customers have deposited what materials where and we can start doing data analysis on that so we have been doing data analysis is last year fiscal year 2012-2013 and we can find our for worst refuse users we can pinpoint them and say okay the the big tall

one is family student housing and we say to them hey you know we haven't really talked to them yet but we know that that's where our waste problems are and we're going to have to relate those are the big the big fish so to speak so we have a lot

of pressure to increase our process capacity even though we are at about seventy percent we really have a difficulty in achieving a hut you know ninety-five percent because most of that stream has to come from organics so right now we run we have about thirty

eight percent is on refuse about fifteen percent is cardboard another fifteen is sorted recycled but this other thirty percent that it's going to come from refuse is your soiled paper your food waste mostly the stuff if you look around in this conference

center you know there's not an organic bin but if you go to San Francisco a lot of times do they collect their sold paper and they select their food waste well San Francisco Vancouver or some of the only cities that are actually have taken this animal

on and all the UCI's are going to have to do it we're all trying to figure it out and it's difficult another thing I wanted to make sure and mention here is that since 2008 since we had our Great Recession I don't know if it's all the UCS

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