Los Angeles Ruby Conference 2013

Desarrollando aplicaciones con Backbone.js, Jasmine y Ruby on Rails

Austin Fonacier  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

austin is a senior software engineer at spokeo here in Los Angeles one point in time he worked for what is now YP used to be AT&T interactive yellow pages before that so we worked together over at YP in a previous iteration of work but I'm going to

go ahead and let him talk to you about rails backbone j/s and some jasmine hello cool so okay so my slides won't take up the full time so I know there's been a lot of learning here lately so I just want to you know tell a personal story like Cory I

I have a cat and that's why I enjoyed the presentation I haven't followed Cory yet on Twitter but definitely will now because of the cats you know so I have a cat named pam pam beesley and i love her to death right I love paying more than I love most

humans that's that's saying a lot and this one time I first got her and I've never had a cat or dog before and basically I used to have supervised walks outside right and I subscribe to the idea that if you have a cat or dog off-leash they're

just gonna jet and run right so it's very like closely monitored like outdoor walk that I would just take her out on the balcony or take her out on the front of my apartment complex so there's one time she escapes she runs I Lily look away for a second

and she's on the back sort of gate of my apartment complex and she's straddling that gay I'm just like are you are you kidding me like get down here right so my girlfriend I run in to my apartment grab her favorite toys like hey Pam come down come

down come down um and she's like screw you and jumps over to the other side and I have no idea what's oversight over that other side because it's a brick hey fence whatever so I do I run this quick calculation I say like you know what maybe she'll

come back maybe she won't like I'm just gonna go get it right so I hopped that that sort of brick wall and I find her just chillin the Sun and I'm just like are you me right like get over here right so I grabbed this cat and she's freaking

out she's scratching me and I'm yelling to my girlfriend over this brick wall and apparently the brick wall on the other side is a house right so some dudes backyard I'm breaking entering some guys backyard for my calf some yelling at my girlfriend

like did he sees here's a great idea I can potentially climb the wall if I don't have a scratching cat so I'm going to toss this cat over wall and she pauses for a second she says absolutely not first of all I'm not I'm not catching a cat

secondly that's just the dumbest idea ever right I'm sorry okay okay fine fine and from the front yard I hear yelling I hear yelling I'm someone's someone's yelling at me like get out of my lawn like oh my god I'm going to jail for

breaking airing for my cat so I go to the front I explained this lady like look my cat ran away and like this cat who I think it's cute but she's like ha you know and this person's like oh I just had troubles of neighbors and stuff like that no

problem and there I am walking you know around the block to bring my cat back and that's my pam story so every every conference you guys come back or you guys go back home and they asked you like Oh how is that conference all the presentations were awesome

except that one that that's me I'm sorry guys sorry so basically I have a side project called blog mate it's written rails backbone and just a little bit of jasmine and I just want to tell our story of how that came to be and why we use backbone

and the end product had so just a quick intro about myself again i'm austin i work at spokeo we're based on pasadena software architect there and that's a drawing of me and blog mate and consists of three people left has been the middle is me and

the right is Danny so me and Danny right most of the code and if you're asking yes Danny does dress like that an everyday basis it's pretty crazy so a little bit of precursors I'm not a JavaScript expert so you guys are going to ask me some crazy

you know questions the end of the cut of the end of the talk and I just can't answer them probably likewise i'm not a ruby nor my rails expert so again you guys going to ask these questions i probably won't be able to answer them but what I just

AM I'm just a semi-decent user of these 16 tools that are out there and I'm just here to share my experiences of using those tools and sort of the idea process of how we came across using those tools and the end product had of using them and lastly

all JavaScript examples are in CoffeeScript so if you don't write CoffeeScript I highly recommend it so I mean one portion that we used on blog mate is rails obviously this is a ruby conference that we've all heard of its review based framework NBC

is very TDD driven it's restful and that's it I mean I mean you guys all heard it I don't want to spend too much time on this one other portion is jasmine so Jasmine is a BDD framework for testing JavaScript it's really nifty it looks like

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