Los Angeles Ruby Conference 2013

Conviértete en un programador Ruby más productivo con Vim y Tmux

Chris Hunt  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

up next is Chris hunt Chris formerly of square now of camera bites formerly of Seattle then San Francisco he's now a Portland resident there was something else in his bio but it just escaped me so with that I'm going to turn Chris over to you and he's

going to start off with a prompt okay thanks hello my name is chris i am now living in portland oregon as of saturday so if anybody else is from that area please introduce yourself so i can figure out what to do there I've never been to Portland before

so today I'm going to talk about them and T mux and why you should try it especially for Ruby development so is anybody already using tema at T mux who's using t mux not VIN but t mux cool who's using BIM ok so when more people are using vim so

T mux you should try it out who's using Emacs who's using some other terminal based text editor yeah I didn't think there was one oh you are what are you using Joe ok I've never even heard of that sounds good ok cool so let's get started

and we'll start with tea mug so feel free to leave your laptop's open if you want to mess around that's totally fine i don't mind also later i'm going to want you to have your laptop open so think about that too let's get started with

tea mug first thing we're going to want to do unless you've been using it you're going to need to install it so everybody looks like they're on a Mac except for a few folks and you can use homebrew to do that so that's going to be brew

install team and I already have it installed so it's going to give me a warning but that will install it for you if you're familiar with homebrew you know how this works next thing we want to do is create a team ox session so how to mux works is it

the server that runs on your machine your terminal acts as a client and you can connect as many clients as you want why might you want to use t MUX well as Ruby developers we use a ton of terminal based applications already right we use get we use what else

we use bundler rvm rake we use a rails console we usually have a database console open or ssh into a bunch of machine so we pretty much live in the terminal it makes sense that you'd want to use at Exeter that's in the terminal as well that's where

vim comes into play and team ox is something you can use to kind of manage all of those applications so it gives you sessions that you can create for each of your applications to hold all the services together and then you also have windows and pains and other

organizational tools so if we start a team accession it'll look like this we do t MUX new session and you can do just knew for short and we're going to name this la Ruby golf cool so this is team lux whoo super easy so if you look in the bottom corner

here this is going to be the status bar in the bottom corner is the name and in the right hand corner we have other things like this is my hostname here date and time this status bar is completely configurable anything you can run in the terminal you can stick

its output in that status bar so you can do things like sports scores the weather see I status whatever you want I to keep it super simple down here you have a number of keyboard shortcuts t MUX provides help menu for you that lists all your keyboard shortcuts

this includes also the custom shortcuts that you've configured if you want to see mighty muggs configuration like this simple status where I have down here and other hotkeys I have that is on github and it's going to be at this URL I'll give you

a few seconds to write this down just because I don't have slides that i'm going to upload later i'm gonna be giving a lot of URLs by the way so you might want to have something if you're at all interested in this kind of stuff cool so let's

get started this is going to kind of show how to mux works if you look at the very bottom here you'll we have one window we can create new windows so now we've got four different windows open we can rename our windows like I'm going to call this

window hello I'm going to go back to our first window and call this world and the state of the window is saved so we can just kind of do whatever stuff we want and go back and forth back and forth inside of a window we can create multiple panes like that

and then we also again have multiple sessions where we can redo all this stuff again the nice thing about all this stuff I'm doing with T mux is you don't have to use keyboard shortcuts you can also use the T mux command to do it so if we go to a new

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