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good morning who's ready to talk about feelings I'm just kidding actually I'm not we're totally gonna talk about feelings right now so as you know my name is Jen and I'm here to talk to you about emotional safety so let's start doing
that so what is emotional safety well I think that's a terrible question I mean to ask that question presupposes that in a room of maybe the smartest most talented technologists gathered at this very moment that they don't understand why the way a
person feels wouldn't be important while they're at work but the way a person feels doesn't have any sort of impact on their work could that be true well statistics tell us a story according to the World Health Organization in 2012 so two years
ago the leading causes of death in high to upper middle income countries so think like here in the US and in the EU the leading causes of death were heart disease stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD so that's things like chronic bronchitis
or emphysema in 2012 265 thousand people died from heart attacks or heart disease 221 thousand people died from strokes and 81 thousand people died from the OPD contributing factors to most of these preventable conditions were things like high blood pressure
high cholesterol diabetes conditions in which stress can be a major contributor and in 2012 over half a million people lost their lives because of it and that might not seem like a lot of people but think about it in this way that's the same as nearly
everyone in the city of Portland dying within a year just one year how can this be you're asking yourself right now surely the stress that those people experience in their jobs is not the one that I experienced in mine they must be like crazy Oprah levels
of busy and overwhelmed and stressed out to the complete max that could be but I think it's far more likely that the stresses they are experiencing are the same that are now considered to be normal work stress experiences explain this to me Jen you're
saying well okay that's totally why I'm here so welcome to the polyvagal theory don't worry it's a quick trip oh wait a second this is gonna make it more official oh no I knew this was gonna happen okay feeling official let's take a look
Oh gross oh so basically in the polyvagal system your autonomous nervous system or I'm gonna call it the ANS because I totally love abbrevs it's the system that's taking in all of the stimulus that you're experiencing right now it controls
a lot of the things that you're doing automatically get it autonomic automatic okay so it's controlling the things you're doing automatically like breathing or blinking without you even thinking and this involuntary support system is a wonderful
feature of the human body however one of its central bosses is this vagus nerve that's part of your brainstem like I know it's gross and it's connected to all of your crucial inner element elem inner elements like your heart and respiratory and
gastrointestinal tracts all those guys the polyvagal theory suggests that the vagus nerve triggers these crucial systems in three different ways via information gleaned by your ANS without your control or your knowing you've all heard a fight-or-flight
before right those survival type instincts well your ANS is constantly scanning your environment all around you to determine what your current mode of survival should be there are three modes of survival safety danger and too late basically just kidding the
last one is life throw you guys can see that so let's talk about safety mode when your nervous system determines that you are safe you are operating at your body's optimum mental and emotional levels your ANS goes into rest and digest mode which basically
means that it's operating at its full capacity so that you don't have to consciously think about how on all of your systems are they just are this is the level that you want to be at to do your best work all of your work danger mode it's not really
as cool as it sounds when you're exposed to danger unconsciously your body goes into hyperdrive your heart rate increases your ANS jumps into action and it limits the rest of your systems ability in order to keenly focus on the danger and to do this it
floods your system with norepinephrine which is a fun hormone that causes vigilant concentration additionally in danger mode you're more prone to unexpected bouts of rage or panic and this is the fight or flight of the fight-or-flight impulse and it's
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