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means our incentive I gonna talk to you about single page web applications how to deal with them in gross so I certainly because miserable rich is having a sister now so you're not that lucky then I'll do my best to to deliver a good talk about it
let me confuse by my accent it it's in Spanish so it's kind of English and indeed in English just for a respectively of the people who cannot speak Spanish so but I think my English can be easily understood by everybody that's a who are mine first
of all I'm passionate somewhat developer think that the sentence who burst defies me but also many of you may know about me because I'm the founder and CEO city / intern of Selinda and square Ruby which are the plotting exporters of Grich so Celinda
and square we have pretty much the same company it's like for example beam were SpringSource okay about widow consulting training projects focus and grooving grilled and what we have been pushing the growth chameleon in Spain since 2007 and were quite
proud of was doing that at work and myself a museum luckily and I'm very happy Ruben growth since 2007 so in this talk I'm going to talk about what's a single page application is how to compare with typical girls architecture and I'll do some
examples that's it the works one of them is a basic example about angular angularjs and the other one is more extensive example you seen backbone there's no go DVD grows and so on okay well so what's a well first of all how many of you are already
a word about what a single page application is is raise your hand okay so what have other people any of you are using it already in production no that's for fun for attacking in an event like this okay so basically gross is an embassy framework where as
you may already know the model is implemented with pocos which is basically garb or cabinet views are done using the SPS their lives and the whole set of stuff you have with growth video and controllers are simply gruba classes with methods as actions so even
that what is a single page application also known as single page interface or single page application but the dust apart from being a quite white picture it's a the probably the most famous single page application you may be already using there are some
other examples like for example to web application and it's basically above application where you can move around the web buffer on the application without page refresh okay so whenever you enter into the application yoga start stay there and you need
some mechanism to communicate with the server which is typically rest using either external or decent so when you do that the MBC logic the the MBC code is in the Russia in the client and just written in JavaScript okay in that case the model our JavaScript
process the views can be written in HTML we'll see later that that can be done either on client side or on server side I will discuss about each option and you have obviously like in many other pieces you have controller services which are also written
in JavaScript so this is JavaScript really a mother yes please don't don't get angry but please you couldn't know about everything fortunately some people like Josh Street yeah put a picture of them and not calling new pigs if you like JavaScript
but no less so well given that definition what a single page application is where they should I care about it but because there has some advantages first of all they're faster because when you have the embassy logic in the browser you can leverage you
can use all the power of modern JavaScript in giant like for example v8 of Chrome or or WebKit or whatever also when you have a single page application you are all interchanging with the server this relevant data not full markup images static content which
is not relevant and it cost you more bandwidth data listened sending the data because of that probably the Israeli going to have a better user experience because the response is faster is much more responsive everything happens almost immediately the data
refreshes can be done instantly and it maybe depends on your skills and your background and under your choices the issue for the develop developer so if you choose the right framework you have to deal with for example jQuery events Kovaks and what to do with
when the you have a response from the server so that kind of things with typical MVC frameworks the rascal singles are done automatically obviously it also has some disadvantages for example what happens if the brochure doesn't have JavaScript enabled
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