Aprende a mejorar tu propia memoria

Chris Hunt  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

Oh pushing g-man let us go yeah balance balance balance balance balance ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hello excellent alright so we people have been studying the human brain for hundreds of years but we still have no idea how memory works

well we do know is that if we were to all sit down together in the room kind of like this and I pull out a list of random words and ask you to memorize those words you're only going to be able to remember about four and if we wait 30 seconds talk about

anything else you're only going to remember to some of you just one and we wait a little bit longer and you'll forget every single word that we went through but at the same time if I ask anybody in this room how to get to the restroom in this building

you'd be able to tell me and you'll be able to tell me with amazing detail I could be outside you'd say Chris go into the door front door you'll see all the swag walk past the swag to your rights going to be the stairs take the stairs down

at the bottom when you get to the bottom of stairs to go right restrooms are right there where is this on the left men's is on the right right you can all do that so on one hand our memories are horrible and we joke about it all the time but on the other

hand we were able to memorize the blueprint of this building that we weren't even trying to do it so memory athletes realizing this just use that same spatial memory to memorize everything not just bathrooms so they're able to memorize thousands and

thousands of digits poetry shuffle decks of cards and we just tried to do this with ten random words so I started and I was staring at my watch right we had the word anticipation does anyone remember what happened next clown and opera perfect then made my

way over to the other side of the stage does anyone remember how I got here in a car right then I found something on the floor what happened where the next two words discover orange and then I went over here was listening to something what happened next balance

I heard somebody say it good and then we came back over to where we started sprint counts and finally everybody gave me a round of applause right so you just memorized a lot of you in the room memorize 10 random words which is more than double the amount of

words that psychologists say that you're supposed to be able to memorize pretty crazy right so we're going to see how to apply this to other things as well the first thing we're going to talk about is names because everybody says they're horrible

at memorizing names so we just get this out of the way because it's really easy there are two things you need to know when trying to memorize someone's name the first thing is when you meet them actually listen to them tell you their name I can't

count the number of times this is happened even today like I've met somebody five seconds later I forgot their name right our memories are not that bad the reason you don't remember five seconds later is because you never heard it so this is ryan every

say hi Ryan oh sorry about that so the first the second thing you want to do when you memorize somebody's name is think of the word that rhymes with that person's name so I gave you a little preview in the corner there when I hear Ryan I think of Lion

and this is something I can easily visualize because I can't visualize Ryan's name right so look at ryan's face find something that stands out to you he's made it super easy because he's got four piercings and a tattoo on his neck right

the first thing I noticed about Ryan though is that tattoo so I'm going to look at Ryan's tattoo I'm going to think of the word that rhymes with his name Lyon and I'm going to build a crazy story so I might imagine a lion running in from the

right hand side of Ryan jumping up biting his neck wrangling through the ground like ripping off his tattoo there's blood everywhere he's screaming it's really gross but I will never forget his name so every time you see Ryan you're going to

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