DrupalCon Prague 2013

Los perfiles de instalación de Drupal 8

Jeff Eaton, Roy Scholten  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

hi so good okay I'll introduce the handheld microphone throws me off this is Roy he's oh okay nice yeah yes so I'll take you to this left list I'm Roy I work with window crowd I work in Belgium and the Netherlands I am a super all UX designer

I contribute to core my big break was two views you I so you can blame the three columns etc there on me some stuff for a jubilate has been the star guys we've redesigned the content creation page in the modules page so i specialize in interaction design

things and i like to apply that to triple core and country the last line can probably safely be ignored I'm Jeff eaten I'm with Lola bottom a digital strategist there I did a lot of like Corps hacking and spawning off of lots of miscellaneous Drupal

controls in the pre Drupal 7 core days I mostly have lived in contribs since then if anyone remembers the small core hashtag I'm to blame a lot of my time is spent doing architecture work and content strategy for large like publishing and media clients

now but I also end up talking to lots of friends and small orgs that want to decide they want to use Drupal because its all full of cool things but it has a learning curve roughly equivalent to a barbed wire fence so that's what we're going to be talking

about a little bit sort of obliquely this is sort of what I like to think of as the tool that people want when they get Drupal it does all kinds of cool stuff it can lift heavy things it's fun to drive and this is what they get now it's cool there's

no mistaking that well that actually might be going a little far what they actually get is this they still have to put it together themselves well actually what they really get is this because it doesn't even actually come with instructions it's just

assumed that you're an enterprising person you you you can fig it's got little bumps and they click together go make yourself a bulldozer you'll enjoy it it can be any kind of bulldozer you want it could be a dragon whatever this for those of us

who are full-time hardcore we like to go build stuff we get hired to build stuff people this it just looks messy not terrifying or daunting we go oh well that needs to get sorted maybe you know the colored pieces go over there and you know the windows go over

there but the underlying problem that new arrivals to the Drupal world don't really get any guidance about how this giant bin full of Lego bricks of you know content types fields views build modes display modes feeds blocks menus breadcrumbs all of them

are vaguely familiar to anybody who's worked with web stuff or has talked about working with a web publishing system but figuring out how all of these different building blocks get combined into an actual coherent whole is something we don't give anyone

much actual we don't really demonstrate that much has anyone here ever install Drupal and use the standard install profile I said used the standard in stone okay Larry is going to be our outlier for the afternoon just core you install Drupal core you used

the standard install profile and it was excellent yeah it's basically the world's most complicated version of WordPress out of the box which is sad because that grossly under sells what Drupal is capable of I think it's like everybody in the room

is probably familiar with you the fact that you can build big complicated things with Drupal but there was a really really interesting post a while ago by someone named Stevie who basically ranted vigorously about Google's platform this was during the

days when you know google+ was very very new and oh there was all kinds of debate about this wild new platform that they were creating and one of the things that he said was that simply making something a platform you can do a lot of stuff with does not guarantee

success that is not like they're the population of people who go aha a new kit with which I can build crazy things excellent those may be our people but that's not a very big slice of the population there has to be some sort of killer app some sort

of thing that people engage with and say oh this is what's on the other side of figuring out how to click all these pieces together this is something that's useful I could actually do something with this that killer app in the case of facebook that

he was talking about it was photographs and the wall of your friends updates you know Facebook has this huge rich platform but still roughly forty-five percent of people's time is spent clicking next on a photo album because that's what grabs people

and the fact that was built on top of the facebook platform was a killer app that gave them something to build on and extend from rather than just saying tada big social graph you should totally do something with this so that brings us to the philosophical

question of whether or not we should do something like that with Drupal I'm going to say yes and just move on there are any objections to that feel free to register them on Twitter but they're actually really has never been too much disagreement about

the idea that Drupal should be in some way useful out of the box like there's never been a whole lot of support for the idea that it should just be utterly stripped down to bare metal and do nothing and I hear a but well yes perhaps there is a but the

problem is is once you start actually asking okay let's make a really cool engaging thing that Drupal could just do out of the box there's an entire world full of people who use Drupal an entire universe full of potential use cases and how do you possibly

choose because for a long time we've said no no the standard install is literally for everyone but that makes it so generic that what you get is the standard install the world's most complicated copy of word press with a feed aggregator built in you

know it's a function it's full of functionality but there isn't any particularly compelling story about what you're going to do with standard install other than turn off some of the stuff and go build your actual website about two years ago

did anyone hear there's been there's been debate and heated vigorous discussion around the idea of making Drupal's install profile out-of-the-box do really cool things and serve a particular use case but the argument is always boil down to which

one of those use cases it would be you know it will be a personal portfolio site well we try to show off some sort of like small business website or something like that one of the big problems is is you had to actually be able to build it with core in order

to ship it with Drupal which was no small feat in and of itself and then there were some crazy people who argued that you should actually just strip everything out and leave it bare metal with a 404 page and that would be Drupal's default state no one

listened it's probably for the best but again where are they now it's called symphony now but about two years or so ago a lot of conversations started rolling I'm biased because I started some of the conversations about something called snowman

it's a slightly ambiguous name it was originally named tsunami the idea of you know it would just would be that you some sort of install profile that could like you could start a movement with it or whatever unfortunately roughly 45 minutes after that

was announced at drupalcon a tsunami killed several hundred thousand people changing the name really felt like the best move but snowman works too it's still water related roughly but the idea was that rather than try to have some sort of gigantic huge

all-encompassing community discussion about what the most fundamentally perfect representation of Drupal pneus would be and how do we make that into an install profile or whatever a couple of us just wrote a description of what the what a use case could be

that would cater to Drupal's Drupal cores out of box strengths and actually be an interesting kind of website to have and to use a use case that we could actually explain to someone and someone might actually care about at the time the idea was that basically

the audience for this would be a small group of people a small team you know friends whatever who are collaborating together on some kind of project and they wanted to tell the world about that project and they also wanted to invite and encourage other people

to come in and join them in working on it coincidentally this sounds not unlike trying to run a small open source project or something like that we may collectively have a little bit of experience doing that so it's also useful because it's a kind

of story about what this example install profile the site that it would make what it would be used for it's a story that I think we can probably kind of understand it doesn't take tons of work to get in the mind of some people working on a project

they want to evangelize and get other contributors for and there was briefly a great deal of excitement about this you know there were bombs and newer meetings and there was you know issue queues and stuff like that it didn't last a whole long time for

a very important reason we still had to build the damn thing with core and in 2011 when this stuff was really starting to get rolling there were a couple of significant roadblocks we encountered one you couldn't list things turns out if you want to actually

you know think about a particular use case a particular kind of site you very quickly run into things like oh and we could totally make a page where the news lives I guess we can't okay back to the front page then you know those kinds of just intractable

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