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hello everybody I'm ere long while I'm trapped air business and share business track educomp what introduce our next speakers on your program at major say Jason swing is actually two speakers we have Kevin Sanders from an associates and Jayson Swain
and Swain associates they're gonna be talking today about branding and organizational development the top topic of which is the authenticity advantage so I want to introduce Kevin Sanders first good morning forming the colonizing want to talk a little
bit about Jason myself going to bio certainly give you a sense of why we're both here why we're both sort of talking about stuff today and take turn to covering some of material my name is Kevin Sanders Ashley marketing guy by trade and a little while
ago in the process of doing a lot of branding work for life that we've got it became increasingly important for me and for us as agency to really make sure that the marketing that we were doing for clients was authentic in the sense of it really reflected
who the companies were and so I found myself situation where I kept needing to help organizations figure out really what they were about and so I read to find Jayson Swain here brought him on to this team to help sort of figure that and I've always kind
of had the opposite problem again I'm Jayson Swain and what I've done for a living is do organization development so I help organizations kind of get healthy on the inside and a lot of time to get a client kind of all healthy on the inside and working
really well but I have no capacity help and tell their story so who cares if you're working really well efficiently if no one knows who you are and how you do if you do so that we begin this great partnership where we like to describe it as a two great
tastes that taste great together so an extra marketing guy and an internal ODI kind of joining forces so naturally what sort of brought about this whole discussion whole process that we develop around around authenticity but one really talk today specifically
about some changes that we've seen in the world really and how they affect how organizations relate to their customers we call it the authenticity advantage it is about green loyalty in a dress distrusting the world because we are in the midst basically
a distrusting world we were in the midst of what we call a crisis of credibility and by my credibility what I really need is trust and the idea that trust me as a society are trusting less than we used to and this is not necessarily a new phenomenon actually
trust has been sort of slowly eroding for decades but there's been a number of recent dynamics that have significantly accelerated this decline of people's willingness to trust and talk about those today we are that we believe that we're in a bit
of a tipping point with respect to people's willingness to trust organizations they're really institutions in general and it is society is having a profound effect on us and it is fundamentally altering the relationship that customers have with their
clients for example when we talk about trust you know people don't trust ago that trust in federal government is the lowest it's been in a generation quick slide here that looks at people's trust in government over the last 50 years 60 years and
you can see that in the last 10 to 12 years basically the trust in the government has been created it's not just amongst a particular political party or a particular segment of the population this is across the board US citizens in general people don't
trust corporations either let's then off with the people in the u.s. say that they trust businesses to do what's right and this percentage is dropped eight points in the past year and as a country the u.s. is now officially categorized as a disgusting
company the country excuse me country fewer than one in five of us trusts business leaders to make ethical decisions and to be honest with us no matter what the cost fewer than one in five of us and people don't trust the media view this has actually been
in decline for about 30 years but is only in the past 10 years as the percent of people who safety distrust the media eclipse the percent that say they do rustic thoroughly all institutions not just not just those this is data from gallup that talks that shows
they actually track about 16 different institutions everything from the military to public schools for the criminal justice system to congress and for the past about 45 years they've been tracking people's confidence in these institutions well in the
past five years more than happiness institutions how to store those in confidence in trust so this is not about a given institution societal track in fact it's not that we're just trusting Wes or actually distrusting more the slide that shows the number
of countries that are in the that are called their categorizes distrusting company account for countries meaning that more than fifty percent of their population says they distrust the major institutions within that country and the number of countries that
are on that list has doubled nearly doubled in the past year those not just that we are trusting blacks were absolutely disgusting more and why is that well there's a number of reasons the first is technologically and specifically in the internet and our
ability to access information can share information everything and anything we know more we see more we learn more about the world around us it used to be that content companies could just sort of stay protected with inside their walls and just sort of sort
of stuff over the law of their customers right and because they pretty much control the flow of information if it's screwed up likelihood not many people would find out about well not anymore right in this hyper-connected world now every flaw every failure
every transgression is highly exposed but shared with everybody this information is being shared and let it break that we can't imagine 10 or 15 years ago in this level of transparency that allows people to have from corporations from company standpoint
it's exposing all of the potential flaws that you have as an organization and allowing people to share it with themselves and the effect of it is that it is that everybody knows sort of what's going on and you can't hide necessarily the second
major the second major dynamic is economic and that is the great reception 2008 and the world financial crisis it's a fairly significant impact on us as a society really had a strong impact on our safety what was interesting about it is we just didn't
take our frustration in our anger out on those institutions that we felt responsible or the order directly at the people that we blame it actually ended up undermining our faith in all institutions both public and private and you can see the impact of some
of that data that I showed earlier if crosses it's changing the way we view things as a society and the last major dynamic involved in this is the sort of repeated violations of our trust by the people that we hold in highest esteem in our society many
of these people are our role models and they have sort of consistently and repeatedly let us down look at the picture on the bottom right down there look at the best Bryant is giving your husband I think sums it up for all of us we're continually being
disappointed by the folks out there that we put our trust in some ways we hold up role models for our children these are all having collected in our willingness to trust companies and institutions across the world to give you an idea how this is really interesting
the relationship companies have with their customers you can look at the key drivers of corporate reputation over the past few years they got a bunch of people together and they say what is your definition what are the attributes that you put in your definition
of what is a good corporate reputation in 2006 number one was having quality products and services number two was being attempted to customer needs and number three was having strong financial performance in 2006 this was people's definition of good reputation
in 2010 number one is now transparent and honest practices being a company that I can trust and then having quality products and services and by the way strong financial performance drops number 10 and if you put in the percentages of the people that chose
these answers it really gives you a sense of how strongly people feel about this trust has never been more important to your company than it is today so we believe that we've hit a bit of a tipping point it used to be that people who trust you unless and
until you violated that trust the companies didn't actually have to build trust they just needed to preserve it at the default position was that they would happen it's not the case anymore it's not necessarily that you're guilty until proven
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