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alright so my name is Ricardo I'm sort of a hybrid I'm like fifty percent scientist fifty percent software engineer so I'm going to talk about neutrons today so I work for the spallation neutron source at oak ridge national lab this is a picture
of the spallation neutron source for those who don't know this is in oakridge oakridge was one of the secret cities that was built for the manhattan project so we run him for the the little boy the bomb that was dropped in over over Japan honey was was
enriched over there in oakridge things changed is not secret as it anymore and today for example we have the most powerful computer in the world we also have huge programs in in biology in material science we have environmental science we also have bobcats
and bears in the parking lot and this is really true because I've seen them okay so just a quick introduction about spallation neutron source so we pretty get we work with neutrons neutrons they have properties that allow us to study matter they have they
have a thigh that is a wavelength that is similar to the distance between atoms so we can study matter with neutrons so to produce neutrons basically what we have is we produce hydrogen ions so another more for other january two electrons we speed this do
you take in a linear accelerator to roughly ninety percent of the speed of light we then chop off the two electrons because you don't need them and then we accumulate them in this ring and then we fire this to a mercury mercury target and we obtain neutrons
like and those neutrons they are then directed to instruments okay this is an example of an instrument that we have here this is pretty huge as you can see we can see like a little guy over there so basically what we have we get those neutrons we have a sample
I don't know can you see them oh yeah cool okay there's a sample over there so we shoot our sample with neutrons those neutrons are scattered and we get them on detectors I'm not going through the data we get the neutrons oh and all that so basically
i will use django Django is used everywhere along all this process so all the instruments we have I think we have around 12-15 instruments they all have Django's somehow so we use Django to monitor everything and this is an example of how you so you use
Django to monitor all the process you use a lot of JavaScript fancy plots fancy fancy stuff alright and then there's another thing that we also do so we do data reduction because our data is huge we have to submit our data to a cluster this is part of
the project that I'm working so the idea is something like these we have a reduction and every reduction is composed by several scans we want to minimize their horse so what what the users or scientists usually do they measure the same thing several times
so for example for a small angle scattering experiment which is basically measuring the deviations of our of the scattered neutrons we have the same sample a protein for example and we dissolve it in several concentrations so we measure everything we average
and we have some data okay so then this is the mediator is due to a cluster we can either submit a reduction composed of several scans is a simple MPI job or a single MPI job or multiple jobs and now this is what I'm working so I don't have much experience
with Django and I've got a lot of questions I'm taking advantage of these five minutes to get response from you okay so what we have what I have basically I have more reduction more reduction is composed by several scans and I have this job what I
submit either a reduction or I submit several scans so I have this polymorphic Association I have no clue how to do this in Django okay another thing that i have so i have my results and my results it depends on the inputs of that the scientists to give me
and they they can be ideal for this would be Jason but Jason's so far as we heard after lunch we don't we only have Jason with a key and a value there's no nested Jason still supported in Django so I'm summarizing everything so basically I
need something like these where I get all my objects and I get the type associated the reduction of us can I also have something that I didn't tell so I have my my so the forms that we saw that you saw before just to submit data they are cluttered with
a lot of so I have like 100 entries in my form even more sometimes they open this you know like I have default values sometimes the user stick a button and I have like a jquery very fancy thing that show ups with parameter that I have to change and my templates
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