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today I will be talking about how you can add Gio to your jingo and first off I want to apologize if my slides are slightly askew I originally created my powerpoint on an Ubuntu I transferred it to a PC and I don't have a computer so I'm using Anna's
MacBook so it's touch three OS you can follow along on a on the PDF version you just have to go to bitly /g o django 15 so give you a little information about myself I will I will introduce you guys to what G is maybe if you're not familiar with it
how G is in Python interact with each other and then what geo Django is all about and what you can do with it so my overall objective is to introduce you guys to what Gio Django is and hopefully you guys can make your own project with it so a little about
a little bit about myself I attended the University of North Georgia from 2011 to 2014 I was originally a computer science major I took two classes intro to Jai thon and Java I wasn't really feeling it I went to a GIS day and they told me how you can make
maps analyze maps and even use information technology to do more through maps so I changed my major to environmental and spatial analysis where I did my toes and remote sensing GIS environmental studies Python Django right now I currently live in Flagstaff
Arizona pursuing my master's in geography I'm not really doing anything with Django but I do plan on maybe making a project using Django and I definitely want to spend more time free time using Django so keep saying this what is G is well GIS stands
for geographic information stumps some people may tell you it stands for science and boom I say it stands for geographic information studies um pretty much what a GIS is it's a program that allows you to create manipulate analyze your geographic data so
pretty much and you have a point on earth you can represent that point on a GIS so just some applications of GIS um Starbucks may be the best or the worst at GIS every time I want to go Starbucks I cannot find one but if there is a Starbucks I guarantee you
there are three in a half mile radius zip codes when you go to the department store you can create a map of trails or bikes or urban trail systems in your city if anyone uses ways on their smartphone that uses GIS so pretty much if you have spatial data you
can display it on a map and people love visuals i'm here's one example just urban development over a five year span in like gainesville georgia a simple tracking map to track textbooks or you can make a map of your campus so why GIS in python well
there's this one popular program called arcmap that's by ESRI that a lot of people in the GIS field use Python is in stalled in arcmap and you can go into the Python in arcmap and write you can use it to automate your tools so you can write a script
here that runs like five tools and you can have all of your stuff that you want do you want to a project done really fast instead of manually clicking going through each tool on each shapefile or whatnot they use arc PI library to do that so what about GIS
and Jango well together they can make geo Jenko so first before you start your geo Django project you need to have a spatial database I highly recommend using Postgres because you can create the extension G is to get all the special reference stuff you need
to help store your GIS data so when you create your project you want to go into your settings folder and under your installed app you want to make sure that you have django dot contrib dot GIS that's pretty much the only difference so now you want to have
your geo Django project right well you need spatial data to have a geo jenga project I highly recommend going to the geo Django tutorial they have the world border shapefile there for your convenience if you don't like real borders for some reason you
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