DjangoCon 2015

Dinero y software libre

Russell Keith-Magee  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

all right thank you very much I said hi yeah I'm Russell Keith McGee if you've heard of me before it's probably because of my work on the Django project I've been a quarter team member there for ten years of proving president of the Django

software foundation since 2011 one of the big challenges of the Django project and any big open source project for that matter is has been to secure a certainty in its long-term development future my day job is as CTO and co-founder of trades cloud where our

software as a service for trades people plumbers electricians carpenters people like that trades cloud depends on a number of open source projects django Apache memcache countless others so I've got a business interest in the continuity of these open source

projects but I certainly don't have the resources to fund them all myself I've also got declared interest in user interface and GUI tools especially as they relate to development tools I've got all sorts of grand visions about what I'd like

to do with the be ware project and I've received some great contributions from the community but it's still largely my own work but my startup would be able make great use of these tools if they were mature and also the maintainer of some smaller projects

like the Python wrapper to the zero API I started the project because I had an itch my itch has now been scratched but I've open-source the project which means I've kind of inherited this maintenance task I've accepted help from a number of people

most notably Matthew Schinkel and Aidan list I've done some great work but if I'm completely honest the maintenance burden of Pi zero massively exceeds the amount of time that I personally can reasonably dedicate to it so I've got vested interests

in free software I've got interests in free software as a producer of a successful project with a high profile as the producer of a small project with lots of users but very little personal incentive and as a producer of smaller projects with almost no

profile but all sorts of really grand plans and these projects all have different resourcing needs reflecting their maturity as projects I've also got interests as a humor of free software both in terms of the software that I rely upon to develop my own

projects and in terms of my commercial interest in the long term maintenance of tools and platforms that I use I need these platforms and these projects to continue to develop to survive and thrive based on my experience I'd like to make a very bold social

assertion absent of any other constraints given equivalent resources free software or the free software approach produces a vastly superior outcome than the closed source approach the catch here is the operative Clause given equivalent resources most free

software projects aren't developed using anything close to equivalent resources of their closed source counterparts now in some cases this is a blessing in disguise regardless of the process of the project having scarce resources is an excellent crucible

for burning away the unnecessary to leave just the base metal but it's not always a blessing talk to any prominent free software developer and amongst the success stories you'll also hear some really consistent troubles that they've got really

great ideas and grand plans but no time to execute that they're about to burn out due to the pressures of maintaining their project whether they've had yet another mailing this discussion with someone who doesn't understand why you didn't drop

everything to help them fix their problem and there are plenty of examples of this OpenSSL is the software that drives pretty much every secure connection on the internet and yet it took the discovery of heartbleed a critical vulnerability that sent the internet

into a tailspin before they could find funding to pay for maintenance another example the new PG van akak almost went bankrupt trying to support GPG a project that many other projects depend upon for their trust in their release process Vela was was rescued

at death's door by the Linux Foundation's core infrastructure initiative now those are both examples that ended with happy endings with funding but it's not all happy endings take the example of Capistrano was a hugely popular configuration management

tool around 2007-2008 maintained by Thomas Bach in 2008 citing burnout and maintenance overhead he famously withdrew support for Windows saying windows may be the 800-pound gorilla in the room but it's not my gorilla and it's not my room this was an

incredibly unpopular move amongst Windows users but with the scale down that came with that German chemist burnt out in 2009 abandoning Capistrano wholesale and a number of other projects without maintenance the thing is though this is a community that has

lots of cash in the grand scheme of things software development is a well-funded industry if companies can find money for football tables and meditative ball pits they should be able to find resources to help maintain the software which they're based their

success and if you're on the receiving end of the problem a developer of free software that can be really frustrating and for me this is the really big unanswered question of the free software movement how to reconcile the discrepancy between the clear

demand for a software product and the ability to convert that demand into the time and resources needed to service the demand now okay all this in theory the theory says everyone can contribute to a free software project in reality every single sort of project

of any significance has leaders and at the most basic level its whoever has the commit bit and you need that leadership especially when you do anything where designers involved the running gag is that a camel is a horse designed by committee the very worst

api's we deal with on a daily basis are the ones that were designed by committee you need someone with taste running the show but there's a bigger problem there's the extent of the engagement that users have with a project here's a thought

experiment to prove the point we're in a room full of Python users Django is a free software project who in this room has found a bug in Django or has a niggling thing that they'd like to see fixed with a Django API the show hands okay we're looking

to puppy about half the room who's turned that nickel into a bug report in Django most of those okay that's pretty good who submitted a patch to Django for that niggle yeah okay so we're down to about a third of what was left there of those who've

had that patch committed okay a couple is it's been a better than better results than I got in Python Australia so what's going on here we've had a massive scale down from people who say they have a problem then the people who have had that problem

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