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hello hello hello there I'm going to test my mic which is apparently testable um so I before right before I get started of course it was mentioned earlier this morning about Jim I just wanted to take a moment and I I got to meet Jim I was lucky enough
to meet him a number of times and one of my favorite testing talks of all time is actually from gym where he from scratch on onstage like basically kind of built rake from nothing using a test driven approach so was a big fan of testing and I like to think
that he might have enjoyed my testing the untestable talk so if you don't know me my name is Richard schneemann or on the Internet I go by shames so I'm actually literally married to Ruby this is my wife her her name her name is Ruby so something something
interesting is happening though recently she has actually become a Python developer where whereas I am a ruby developer which is a somewhat interesting it's okay though she does know how to how to program in Ruby and she does all the time say like man
only this thing was written in rails so as you can tell by the hat and the sandals that i am from from austin it's a it's like right down the road three hours great city highly recommend you visit there's a little bit of a rivalry between austin
and dallas mostly because like awesome as the cool music scene and dallas has like the biggest airport known to mankind so you know i was like looking for some like I'm like I'm gonna Simon's ingham a dallas material and i was just googling for
things randomly and i found notice i am actually an incognito window this is not like a personalized result that i just searched that a bunch so uh yeah i thought that was fun a little bit of my backstory i'm actually up from from georgia tech her i graduated
from Georgia Tech where I studied mechanical engineering not saying that I was a very self-centered person and studied me so I actually don't have them have a computer science degree so I kind of think maybe a little bit differently from some of you in
the room and one of the things I love in studying mechanical engineering is thermodynamics does anybody like thermodynamics whoo yeah like it's an amazing study and one thing that I thought well I'm taking some these thermodynamics test is like okay
we have an answer key like if I screw something up it's fine I can just check the answer key and like go back and like there's always a way to kind of check your work it like have have you ever been doing homework or any kind of work and like flip
the sign on something like there's a really big difference between those two numbers and when you're in school it kind of seems really trivial but in the real world like how you actually get around that there's no answer key there's no uh there's
no like you know sorry you flip the sign here like Pete there are real world come like consequences so with this in mind I went into my first my first co-op job where I worked for a company you may or may not have heard of called General Electric and I actually
helped build refrigerators so this is not a model of refrigerator than I hope to build this was maybe a little bit before my time still probably runs those does anybody have any idea of like how you would begin to start designing your refrigerator anybody
math that's that's pretty good so I'm here to tell you that the the like mega billion-dollar corporation has decided the best tool for this job is spreadsheets some of the smartest mechanical engineers in the my like in the world have come together
and like you you basically input all these dimensions and it spits out it says like okay this is your efficiency this is this is how it's going to behave how it's going to perform but okay still like what if these spreadsheets are just wrong like what
if you entered the wrong thing or like what if the calculations are just wrong and and with this in mind I was just kind of my mind's just going and finally I come across testing believe it or not like it's like oh hey that kind of makes sense they
calculate all of these things and then they actually wire up the refrigerators with thermocouples stick them in a room with the known temperature and see how they perform like did this matchup so in a lot of ways programmers are really really lucky we are
working with programs that's that's the thing that we output we have relatively known inputs relatively known outputs the product is a program and we actually can testify programs which is like I mean imagine if you could test your refrigerator with
a refrigerator you just put like mini refrigerators in the refrigerator like I don't even know how that would work so you know others of course refrigerators aren't so lucky uh I think a really good example is in the 1960s we made the commitment to
go to the moon which is pretty cool and some of you might know that outer space is a lifeless vacuum this type of a lifeless vacuum it was I could resist and in this scenario unity you're not worrying about is my is my bacon gonna be bad like is my butter
gonna melt like you have real people's lives on the line like you know how do we know that are all of our calculations are correct like in this kind of a scenario like you really really really have to have to take care and this is this is almost like at
least in my mind kind of an untestable scenario where it's like all right we can't just put a spaceship inside of our spaceship and like it just doesn't work so they kind of came up with this idea all right we're gonna we're going to take
all of these individual and we're going to hook them up to these stands and you know what we've got this engine it straps onto our rocket and it's supposed to behave like this so we're actually going to put a real engine on to a real stand
we're going to you know really like basically set it on fire more or less and like make sure that it does what it's supposed to do and so this is this is like a really good start but at the end of the day it still kind of doesn't get us where we
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