JSFoo 2013

Node Robo, un robot creado con Raspberry Pi, nodeJS, Arduino y Phonegap

Sreejesh Karunakaran  · 


Extracto de la transcripción automática del vídeo realizada por YouTube.

you you you you you you you you hello js4 2013 you welcome everyone how are you are you having fun okay the interesting part has already been done and ups I think young finance is not bad for India Sookie ah you can reach me on Twitter at SRI karoon I'm

on github all this code that I have used here on github and some no repositories that have no code at all so all are up there so everyone I was talking about node.js and and then I couldn't stay away from it so one day I realized that no I should use node.js

but still wasn't clear like what to do with node.js and one of the biggest factor or an inspiration was last yes yes whoo well you know I I wanted to emulate rakish by but I wasn't comfortable with a 3/4 to that level so I'll manage with it full

Towser but yep so so I did buy a last modified so you know couple of guys out there from my office my friends heat it by to know it we were all regarded but big disappointment like you know fight will and be machine what can we do on that one and to be honest

right what is Raspberry Pi it is a downgraded mission you have not done anything significant with it big capacity laughter what the hell are you going to do with a Raspberry Pi so there is nothing special about Raspberry Pi in that sense however when you try

to do things like you have to figure out where it fits in the domain right so it's not that you can do magic with Raspberry Pi but you cannot put the whole laptop on this one so that's where it fits in you need to figure out where the things go whether

the things are rightly fit into and then do that so yeah so I don't know how many people have heard about our do you know and why again one more term like you know why not Raspberry Pi and use the stuff so some some technical stuff out there Raspberry

Pi cannot do anything that is analog it's it's more onto the you have a GPIO pin so this is how a Raspberry Pi look like and you have this GPIO port and then GPIO pins are basically digital pins and then if you want to do a little bit more onto analog

stuff you can use Arduino so you you you so you can program I'll do you know with an interface there is an ID for Arduino and the language is wiring so you can have a setup phase you can have loop and then you can do stuff out there in Arduino however

that's not how I have done and the reason being this is a different language set all together and apps and Sylla struggling with JavaScript how am I going to do and learn wiring so no so you can't repair are do we know to listen to JavaScript so you

do that by using a library called Johnny 5 so Johnny 5 is a node library which can connect to Arduino board using a firm at a protocol so Arduino board here these are doing about I think I will come to the No I will do that you know I think too many too many

switching will be a problem right so let us show they revive them closely you how did he see that all right so this device has this Raspberry Pi this is the Arduino and Raspberry Pi and Arduino are connected with a USB cable and there is this speaker so Raspberry

Pi has an audio output so that's where the who speaker is hooked in it doesn't have wireless capability natively so you have wireless card so the Arduino has output which are both digital and which are PWM capable so if you want to control the speed

we will use analog PWM one if you want just switch on and off kind of scenario you can use the normal digital pins so you so that's about nope getting it connected to our do you know yep so I did put things on cloud but slightly different cloud so there's

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